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We are so exceedingly glad that you have personally decided to visit our site today. Our God

is an intentional God. With that being said, it is not by accident, incident or coincidence, but only by divine providence that YOUR steps have been meticulously ordered here. God, Himself, has holy ghost orchestrated, providentially choreographed and miraculously scheduled this moment in time with you in mind. What time is it you may be inquiring? It is time for the manifested sons and daughters of the Most High God to be fully restored to their rightful positions of authority. It is time for the manifested sons and daughters to be awakened, reprogrammed and reminded of God's original intent regarding humanity. It is time for the manifested sons and daughters to demonstrate the Kingdom of God on earth for such a time like none other. Now is the time for us to know who we are and whose we are and what we were sent in the earth to do for our King! Our brothers and sisters are walking around and drowning in gross darkness. Will the REAL Ambassadors of Christ take their rightful position?

                    God blessed them and said, “Be fertile, increase in number, fill the earth, and

                    be its master. Rule the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals

                    that crawl on the earth.” (Genesis 1:28, God Word Translation)

In the beginning, God OPTIMALLY and ultimately desired for us (man/woman) to rule and reign with and like Him. He has not changed His mind. He is an immutable God, Who changes not.

As our VIP guest, we would like to personally seize this ordained opportunity and extend a very heart-felt warm invitation with the utmost gracious hospitality to say,  "Thank you!"  An all round access pass has been granted. We hope you'll make yourself right at home by visiting our site as often as you like. You have our permission to make your boast in Jesus by sharing the goodness and glorious 'Gospel News' learned here with others. 

What distinguishes us?


I. R.E.I.G.G.N. Apostolic Ministries, Inc., service times are held with you/your family in mind. For those of you who are serious about seeking the MORE of GOD, but wished you had just a little more time on Sunday mornings without feeling rushed. Well, our service times begin at 12:30 p.m., that's right! A couple more hours on Sundays does make all the difference!  On Wednesday Nights, our Theological Studies are tailored-made for Christ's Ambassadors comprised with an holistic approach for "True" victorious living. Listed below are a few subjects covered with strong emphasis placed living abundantly respective to God's WORD prioritized as our first and last authority!

             Destined to Reign (Joseph Prince) Destiny (Bishop T.D. Jakes) Identity

             (Bishop T.D. Jakes) Rediscovering the Kingdom and Kingdom Principles

             by the legendary (Late Dr. Miles Munroe) and The Perfect You: A blueprint for your                   Identity (Dr. Caroline Leaf) using Biblical principles.

Therefore, if you are currently in search of a church home and you live within driving distances of the Jonesboro area or you simply are looking for some additional spiritual supplements with extraordinary nutritional value;  we would love to see your beautiful face grace us at I. R.E.I.G.G.N. 

It is my prayer that you and I will wholeheartedly strive to become more intimately acquainted and ever-so united beyond this platform while we continue to grow, develop and increase in spiritual maturity in the knowledge of our LORD & Savior Jesus Christ's saving grace. Our ultimate goal is to become more and more like him daily and to do only the work we see our Father do in the earth as we wait for the return of our soon coming King appearing in all of His majestic 'GLORY.'


We highly encourage you to feel extraordinarily free to reach out and

touch us via  any one of the contact methods provided If you have

a question or simply just want to leave a testimonial of how this ministry

has been a blessing in improving your spiritual walk.

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SCRIPTURE of the Week


If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him; if we deny Him; He also will deny us;

II Timothy 2:12 KJV

Genesis 1: 28 NLT

 Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.”



Today, Abba, I'm eternally grateful that surely your goodness and mercy shall follow me ""All"" the days of my life without fail, oh Lord!

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